CrossFit WOD Variations: 25 Gym Workouts

CrossFit WOD Variations: 25 Gym Workouts

CrossFit workouts are a popular form of high-intensity interval training that have gained significant attention in recent years. These workouts are designed to be challenging and intense, with a focus on functional movements that mimic everyday activities. CrossFit workouts typically consist of a warm-up, skill or strength work, pull ups, power cleans, powerlifting, and the workout of the day (WOD), which may include benchmark WODs.

The WOD is often the most challenging part of the workout and can vary greatly depending on the day. Some days may include benchmark WODs like Murph or Fran, which are popular CrossFit workouts used to measure progress and performance. Other days may include specific exercises like power cleans, front squats, planks, or other weight-bearing movements. Additionally, there may be powerlifting exercises such as deadlifts, push ups, and pull ups incorporated into the routine.

CrossFit workout programming examples can vary significantly depending on the gym and coach. However, most CrossFit workouts will follow a similar structure and incorporate high-intensity intervals to help improve fitness levels. These workouts may also include pull ups, benchmark wods, power cleans, and deadlift to further challenge and strengthen the body.

For beginners and intermediate athletes looking to start CrossFit workouts, it’s essential to understand that these workouts are designed to be challenging and intense. It’s important to start slowly and build up gradually over time to avoid injury. A typical CrossFit workout can last anywhere from 15-60 minutes depending on the intensity level and may include exercises such as pull ups and power cleans. Workouts are often done on a running clock, which adds an extra element of challenge.

To get started with CrossFit workouts, it’s important first to find a reputable gym with experienced coaches who can guide you through proper technique and form for each exercise, including pull ups, hang squat, and deadlift. Before each workout, make sure to warm up properly to prevent injury. Once you’ve found a gym that works for you, it’s essential to commit fully to your training program by attending classes regularly and pushing yourself during each workout.

Understanding CrossFit Programming: AMRAP, EMOM, RFT, and More

AMRAP, EMOM, RFT, and More: Understanding CrossFit Programming

AMRAP, EMOM, and RFT are popular programming styles in CrossFit that challenge athletes to push their limits. Each style has its unique benefits and challenges that can help athletes improve their fitness levels. Skill movements such as pull ups can be incorporated into these styles to increase strength and endurance. Many reps of exercises like deadlifts can also be used to build muscle and improve overall fitness. However, these challenging workouts require proper form and technique to prevent injury.

AMRAP: As Many Rounds As Possible

As the name suggests, AMRAP is a common programming style used in CrossFit classes that requires athletes to complete as many rounds of a specific CrossFit WOD as possible within a set time limit. The goal is to complete as many rounds as possible without sacrificing proper form or technique, which may include movements such as pull-ups and push-ups. This programming style is excellent for building endurance and improving cardiovascular health, making it a popular choice among CrossFit enthusiasts.

One example of an AMRAP workout could be:

  • 10 burpees
  • 15 kettlebell swings
  • 20 box jumps
  • Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute

EMOM, a popular programming style in CrossFit WODs, requires athletes to complete a specific exercise or set of exercises within one minute, then rest for the remainder of the minute before starting again at the top of the next minute. This programming style is excellent for improving strength and conditioning while also allowing for adequate rest between sets of pull ups and other exercises that can be completed within a few mins.

One example of an EMOM workout could be:

  • Minute 1: 10 deadlifts
  • Minute 2: Rest
  • Minute 3: 10 pull-ups
  • Minute 4: Rest
  • Repeat for a total of five rounds.

RFT: Rounds For Time

RFT, a popular CrossFit training method, requires athletes to complete a set number of rounds of specific exercises as quickly as possible. The goal is to finish all reps in the shortest amount of time, typically within minutes, while maintaining proper form and technique. This programming style is excellent for building speed and agility and may include exercises such as push-ups to improve overall fitness levels.

One example of an RFT workout could be:

  • Five rounds:
  • 10 thrusters
  • 15 burpees
  • 20 abmat sit-ups
  • Complete all rounds as quickly as possible.

Abmat Sit-Ups

Abmat sit-ups, hang squats, overhead squats, strict handstand push, and dumbbell exercises are common in CrossFit workouts and can be incorporated into any programming style. These exercises target the abdominal muscles while also engaging the hip flexors, lower back muscles, and upper body. Abmat sit-ups, hang squats, overhead squats, strict handstand push, and dumbbell exercises are effective ways to improve core strength and stability, which is essential for overall fitness.

Rep Schemes

The number of repetitions performed for each exercise in a workout can vary widely depending on the programming style and the specific workout being performed. Rep schemes can range from low reps with heavy weights to high reps with lighter weights. The key is to find a rep scheme that challenges you while still allowing you to maintain proper form and technique. Whether you’re doing pull ups, push ups, crossfit, or using dumbbells, it’s important to adjust your rep range accordingly.

Different Types of CrossFit Workouts: Strength, Skill, and Conditioning

Strength, Skill, and Conditioning: The Three Types of CrossFit Workouts

CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that incorporates various types of workouts to provide a well-rounded fitness experience. These workouts can be categorized into three types: strength, skill, and conditioning. Each type has its own unique benefits and challenges, making them an essential part of any CrossFit class. The strength exercises include pull ups, push ups, and overhead squats, while the skill exercises involve box jumps.

Strength Work: Building Muscle and Total Body Strength

Strength work, commonly practiced in CrossFit, is designed to build muscle and increase total body strength. These workouts are often performed with heavy weights such as the 50 lb barbell or dumbbells to challenge the muscles in new ways. They can include exercises such as deadlifts, squats, bench presses, pull-ups, and push-ups for multiple reps.

One example of a strength workout is the “Back Squat 5×5.” This workout is popular in CrossFit and involves performing five sets of five repetitions of back squats at a challenging weight. In addition to squats, athletes can incorporate pull ups and push ups to their routine for a full body workout. Dumbbells can also be used to add resistance and increase muscle strength. By gradually increasing the weight over time, athletes can build their leg muscles and improve their overall strength.

Skill Movements: Mastering Mechanics and Technique

Skill movements require mastering proper mechanics and technique to perform complex exercises. These exercises include Olympic lifts such as snatches and clean-and-jerks, gymnastics movements like handstand push-ups and muscle-ups, as well as other advanced moves like double-unders or kettlebell swings. Overhead squats are also essential in building strength and mobility. A typical CrossFit workout may involve a combination of these exercises, programmed strategically for maximum results. Examples of CrossFit workout programming include AMRAPs (as many rounds as possible), EMOMs (every minute on the minute), and chipper workouts. Dumbbells are frequently used in CrossFit workouts to add variety and challenge to the movements.

To master these CrossFit movements requires patience and practice. One example of a skill workout is “EMOM for 10 minutes,” which stands for “Every Minute on the Minute.” In this workout, athletes perform one rep of pull ups or push ups every minute for ten mins straight. This allows them to focus on perfecting their form without getting too fatigued.

Conditioning Workouts: High-Intensity Classes

Conditioning workouts are high-intensity classes that challenge intermediate and advanced athletes with timed circuits or intervals. These classes incorporate cardio-based exercises such as running or rowing, along with bodyweight movements like burpees or box jumps, as well as crossfit-style exercises such as pull ups, push ups, and overhead squats.

One example of a conditioning workout is “Fran,” which is a benchmark workout in CrossFit. This workout involves performing 21-15-9 reps of thrusters (a combination of a front squat and push press) using a barbell or dumbbell, overhead squats, pull-ups, and box jumps, for time. It’s a challenging workout that requires both strength and endurance.

Benchmark Workouts: Chelsea, Fran, and Fight Gone Bad

Benchmark workouts are an essential part of CrossFit training that includes pull ups, push ups, and barbell exercises. These workouts are used to measure progress and assess fitness levels based on the number of reps completed. Coaches often use benchmark workouts to create training programs that help athletes achieve their goals in terms of pull ups, push ups, and barbell exercises. In this section, we will discuss three popular benchmark workouts: Chelsea, Fran, and Fight Gone Bad.

Chelsea is a 30-minute CrossFit workout that consists of five pull-ups, ten push-ups, and fifteen air squats performed every minute on the minute (EMOM). The goal is to complete all reps within the minute and rest for the remainder of the time. This workout is excellent for building endurance and improving muscular endurance. No dumbbell or barbell required.

Fran is a classic CrossFit workout that consists of 21-15-9 reps of thrusters (95/65 lbs) and pull-ups. This workout is designed to be completed as fast as possible with good form. Fran is an excellent test of overall fitness because it requires strength, power, speed, and endurance. If you want to level up your game, you can add strict handstand push and overhead squats to your routine. Try to complete the workout within minutes and include snatches for an extra challenge.

Fight Gone Bad is a CrossFit high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that consists of three rounds of five exercises performed for max reps in one minute each. The exercises include wall balls (20/14 lbs), sumo deadlift high pulls (75/55 lbs), box jumps (24/20 inches), push presses (75/55 lbs), overhead squats, strict handstand, and rowing for calories. This workout challenges athletes’ cardiovascular endurance while also testing their strength for three minutes.


KB swings are a popular variation of CrossFit benchmark workouts like Chelsea or Karen (150 wall balls). KB swings can be done with different weights depending on the athlete’s skill level, and can be combined with other exercises such as push ups, overhead squats, and pull ups.

Burpee pull-ups are a typical CrossFit workout that combines two challenging exercises into one movement. Athletes start in a standing position before dropping down into a burpee, then jumping up to grab onto a bar for a pull-up. To make this workout more challenging, athletes can add strict handstand push and overhead squats as additional reps.

The Burpee Mile is an intense variation that involves completing a mile-long run with burpees every quarter mile. This workout is an excellent test of endurance and mental toughness, perfect for those who love crossfit. The run can also be modified to meters, and the burpees can be done for reps instead of just as part of the run. Push ups can also be incorporated into this challenging workout.

The Buy-In/Buy-Out scheme is another way to incorporate push ups and overhead squats into a crossfit workout by requiring athletes to complete a certain number of reps of each exercise before or after the main workout. For example, an athlete might have to do 50 push ups and 50 overhead squats at the start of the workout and 50 more of each at the end.

In CrossFit, using a 45 lb plate for overhead lunges or step-ups can add an extra challenge to benchmark workouts like Cindy, which consists of 5 strict handstand pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats per rounds. This variation tests athletes’ balance and core strength while also increasing the load on their legs for more reps and rounds.

crossfit athlete during a workout
Photo by Corey Young on Unsplash

Hero WODs: Honoring Fallen Heroes with Challenging Workouts

Hero WODs are one of the most challenging workouts that CrossFit athletes can take on. These workouts are designed to honor fallen heroes who have lost their lives in service, and they require a high level of intensity and skill to complete. Hero WODs often include exercises such as push ups, overhead squats, and strict handstand push. Athletes must complete a set number of reps for each exercise while maintaining proper form and technique. These workouts are not for the faint of heart and require mental and physical toughness to complete.

What Are Hero WOD Workouts?

Hero WOD workouts are named after military service members or first responders who have died in the line of duty. They are designed to be a tribute to these individuals while also providing an intense workout for CrossFit athletes. Hero WODs often include push ups, reps, overhead squats, and strict handstand push movements that were favored by the hero being honored or movements that relate to their profession.

Popular Examples of Hero WODs

One popular example of a CrossFit Hero WOD is Helen. This workout involves three rounds of a 400-meter run, 21 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg), and 12 pull-ups. In addition, the workout can be modified to include 15 reps of overhead squats (43kg/29kg) and 9 strict handstand push-ups. The workout is named after Helen Jansson, who died in a car accident at the age of 21 while serving as a Swedish Navy Officer.

Another well-known CrossFit Hero WOD is Murph. This workout includes a one-mile run followed by 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 air squats for reps before finishing with another one-mile run of 1609 meters. Murph is named after Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in action during Operation Red Wings in Afghanistan. For advanced athletes, strict handstand push-ups can be substituted for the push-up portion of the workout.

How to Approach Hero WODs

When approaching a CrossFit Hero WOD, it’s important to warm up properly and prepare your body for the high level of intensity you will experience during the workout. This may include specific warm-up exercises such as overhead squats and push ups to activate the muscles you will be using. Recovery is also crucial due to the high number of reps involved in completing these workouts.

Hero WODs, a typical CrossFit workout, often include movements like hip extensions, jerks, hang cleans, and chest-to-bar pull-ups. It’s important to focus on proper form and technique during these movements, as well as strict handstand push-ups and overhead squats, to avoid injury. Ignite your workout with these challenging exercises.

Customizing Your Training: Tailoring WODs to Your Goals and Abilities

Customizing your training is crucial for success. CrossFit workouts of the day (WODs) are designed to challenge you both physically and mentally, but tailoring them to your abilities and goals can help you achieve better results. To customize your WODs, consider adding push ups and overhead squats to increase upper body and lower body strength. Keep track of your time and reps to monitor your progress and set new goals for yourself.

Access to Equipment

Having access to different equipment such as dumbbells, kettlebells or resistance bands can expand the range of exercises and skills you can work on. Dumbbells, for instance, are versatile tools that can be used for various movements like lunges, bench press, overhead press or snatches. They also allow you to focus on one arm at a time which helps improve muscular imbalances. In addition, incorporating push ups and squats into your routine can provide a full body workout and increase strength. If you’re looking for a more intense workout, a typical crossfit workout involves high reps of various exercises to challenge your endurance and build muscle.

Proper Mechanics and Form

Regardless of the exercise you do, proper mechanics and form are essential components of any workout routine. This is especially true when performing movements like lunges, overhead squats, push ups, back extensions, strict handstand push, or any other exercises commonly found in Crossfit workouts where incorrect form can lead to injury. Take the time to learn proper technique by watching instructional videos or working with a coach who can give feedback on your form.

Tailoring Your WODs

One way to tailor your CrossFit WODs is by focusing on power development in specific muscle groups. For example, if you want to improve your upper body strength, consider adding more reps of push-ups, pull-ups or dips into your routine. If you want stronger legs and glutes, incorporate more squats or deadlifts into your workouts. To challenge yourself further, try adding handstand practice or increasing the number of rounds for each exercise.

Another option in crossfit is to modify existing WODs by scaling down certain movements like overhead squats or push ups, or reducing the number of reps/rounds. This allows you to maintain intensity while still being able to complete the workout within a reasonable timeframe. You can also include strict handstand push as part of the modification.

Youth Resilience

CrossFit is not just for adults; many kids and teenagers also participate in youth programs that offer scaled-down versions of adult workouts. These programs focus on developing functional movement patterns, improving coordination and balance, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. By starting young, kids can develop a strong foundation of fitness that will benefit them throughout their lives. They can learn to do push ups, overhead squats, strict handstand push, and complete reps with proper form to enhance their overall fitness level.

CrossFit Open Workouts: Testing Your Limits in Competition

Pushing Your Limits with CrossFit Open Workouts

CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that has taken the world by storm. The CrossFit Open Workouts are an annual competition designed to test athletes’ limits in various exercises and movements, including overhead squats. These workouts are challenging and require athletes to push themselves beyond their comfort zones, completing a certain number of reps within a specific time frame. Coaches play a crucial role in helping intermediate athletes improve their skills, especially when it comes to mastering the box jump and other common movements often included in these workouts.

Testing Athletes’ Limits

The CrossFit Open Workouts are designed to challenge athletes’ physical abilities and mental toughness. These workouts consist of a series of exercises or movements, including push ups and overhead squats, that must be completed within a certain time frame or for maximum reps. These workouts test an athlete’s strength, endurance, speed, agility, coordination, balance, accuracy, power, and even strict handstand push.

Athletes who participate in the CrossFit Open Workouts have the opportunity to compete against other individuals from around the world. This competition provides motivation for athletes to push themselves harder than they would during a regular workout, whether it’s overhead squats, reps or time challenges. It also allows them to see how they stack up against other athletes of similar skill levels in their box.

Coaching Intermediate Athletes

CrossFit coaches play an important role in helping intermediate athletes improve their skills and prepare for the CrossFit Open Workouts. Coaches provide guidance on proper form and technique for each movement and exercise included in the workouts, such as overhead squats, push ups, and strict handstand push. They also assist athletes in determining the appropriate number of reps to perform during each workout.

Intermediate athletes may struggle with certain exercises or movements such as overhead squats and push ups, but with proper coaching can make significant progress over time. Coaches work with these athletes to develop training plans that focus on improving specific areas such as strength or endurance, incorporating typical crossfit workouts and the challenging ignite workout.

Powerlifting Movements

Deadlifts and overhead squats are two powerlifting movements that are often included in CrossFit Open Workouts. These movements require significant strength and technique to perform correctly. In addition, push ups and handstand push are also common exercises that require proper form and technique to complete the desired number of reps. Athletes must be able to lift heavy weights, such as lb, while maintaining proper form during all exercises.

Deadlifts and overhead squats are typical CrossFit workouts that test an athlete’s strength, balance, and coordination. In addition to these exercises, athletes often perform push-ups and handstand push-ups for multiple reps to improve their upper body strength.

Max Reps

Many CrossFit Open Workouts include exercises that challenge athletes to perform as many reps as possible within a certain time frame. Pull-ups, push-ups, kettlebell swings, and overhead squats are common exercises used in these workouts. Athletes have the option to complete multiple rounds of these exercises to increase their overall score.

These exercises, which are typical in a CrossFit workout, test an athlete’s endurance and mental toughness as they strive to complete as many reps of push-ups and handstand push-ups as possible before the time runs out. Athletes must pace themselves carefully to avoid burning out too quickly.

Strict Handstand Push-Ups and Box Jumps

Strict handstand push-ups and box jumps are two challenging movements often included in CrossFit Open Workouts. Athletes have the option to add overhead squats to their routine, which require proper form and technique to execute. Time is a crucial factor in these workouts, as athletes strive to complete as many rounds as possible within a set time frame. Strict handstand push-ups demand precision and strength, while box jumps and overhead squats require explosive power and flexibility.

Box jumps are a popular crossfit exercise that require explosive power and coordination to jump onto a box of varying heights. These movements test an athlete’s ability to generate power quickly while maintaining proper technique, just like overhead squats and push ups. Athletes are also challenged to complete the exercise within a certain time frame.

Tips for Scoring High-Low in CrossFit Workouts

Achieving success in CrossFit workouts is all about finding the right balance between pushing yourself to your limits while still being able to maintain proper form and technique. During overhead squats, it’s important to keep your core engaged and your arms locked out. Time yourself during each round and make comments on where you can improve for next time. Keep track of the number of rounds you complete to monitor your progress. Here are some tips to help you score high-low in your next CrossFit workout:

Vary Your Rep Schemes: To avoid hitting a plateau in your push ups and overhead squats during each crossfit workout, try varying your rep schemes and time. This will keep your muscles guessing and help prevent boredom.

Focus on Breathing: Proper breathing techniques can make all the difference when it comes to scoring high-low in CrossFit workouts, including overhead squats and push ups. Make sure you’re taking deep breaths throughout each exercise and exhaling fully to improve your time and lift more lb.

Listen to Your Body: While doing crossfit, it’s important to push yourself within a reasonable time frame. However, it’s equally important to listen to your body during overhead squats and know when to dial back the lb intensity. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t be afraid to modify or scale down the exercise.

Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can significantly impact your performance during a CrossFit workout, including push ups and overhead squats. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water before, during, and after each workout to optimize your time and lift more lb.

Fuel Your Body: Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats is essential for fueling your body during intense workouts like those found in CrossFit, which often involve push ups, overhead squats, completing rounds within a certain time limit.

Get Plenty of Rest: Adequate rest is crucial for allowing your muscles time to recover and rebuild after tough workouts such as push ups, crossfit, and overhead squats. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep per night to ensure your body can properly heal and grow stronger in lb.

Practice Good Form: Proper form is key when it comes to scoring high-low in CrossFit workouts. Take the time to learn proper technique for each exercise, including overhead squats and push ups, and focus on maintaining good form throughout each repetition and round. Don’t forget to pay attention to the weight of your lifts, measured in lb.

Embrace the Challenge: Remember that every CrossFit workout, including overhead squats, is designed to challenge you both physically and mentally. Use the time and rounds to track your progress and aim to lift more lb each session. Embrace the challenge and use it as motivation to push yourself harder than ever before.

Incorporate Mobility Work: Incorporating mobility work into your CrossFit routine can help prevent injuries and improve overall performance during overhead squats and push ups. Try adding in a few minutes of foam rolling or stretching before and after each workout to save time and maximize results.

Stay Positive: Finally, remember to stay positive and have fun! CrossFit is all about pushing yourself to be the best version of yourself, so don’t get discouraged if your squats are not perfect. Celebrate your successes and keep working towards your time and lb goals.

Dave Carter

Dave serves as the head writer and chief content curator for, the premier destination for CrossFit enthusiasts seeking to enhance their fitness journeys.