Fight Gone Bad WOD: 8 Tips for hitting 400/300 Reps

Fight Gone Bad WOD: 8 Tips for hitting 400/300 Reps

The Fight Gone Bad WOD Structure

3 Rounds – Total reps in 17 minutes

  • 1-minute of wall balls (20/14 lbs)
  • 1-minute sumo deadlift high pulls (75/55 lbs)
  • 1-minute box jumps (20 inches)
  • 1-minute push press (75/55 lbs)
  • 1-minute row (for calories)
  • 1-minute rest

In this WOD, you’ll tackle three rounds of five exercises, leaving no muscle untouched. The Fight Gone Bad WOD is a battle against yourself, pushing through pain and fatigue like a true fighter in the ring. Fight Gone Bad has become a staple in gyms worldwide, with its roots in the CrossFit Games.

Understanding the structure and concept of Fight Gone Bad workout

The Fight Gone Bad workout is a challenging, intense exercise routine that pushes your limits. It consists of a series of exercises performed for one minute each, followed by a one-minute rest period. This cycle is repeated for a total duration of 17 minutes, including rest periods.

During the workout, you will exercise to target different muscle groups and improve overall fitness. These exercises include wall balls, sumo deadlift high pulls, box jumps, push presses and rowing.

Each exercise is performed for one minute:

  • Wall balls: Using a medicine ball, you squat down and throw the ball against a wall while maintaining proper form.
  • Sumo deadlift high pulls: This exercise combines deadlifts and upright rows to work your legs, back, and shoulders.
  • Box jumps: Jump onto a sturdy box or platform from a standing position, engaging your leg muscles.
  • Push presses: Hold dumbbells or a barbell at shoulder level and push them overhead using your upper body strength.
  • Rowing: Sit on a rowing machine and simulate rowing motions to engage your entire body.

Followed by a one-minute rest:

  • Use this time to catch your breath and prepare for the next exercise.

The total duration of the workout is 17 minutes:

  • This includes both the exercise intervals and rest periods.

The Fight Gone Bad workout challenges your stamina, endurance, and strength through its structured format. Incorporating these different exercises into one intense routine aims to provide an effective full-body workout that pushes you to new heights. So gear up and get ready to take on this demanding WOD!

Achieving high reps in Fight Gone Bad: 8 Tips and Tricks

  1. Maintain a steady pace throughout each exercise.
    To rack up many reps in the Fight Gone Bad WOD, it’s crucial to maintain a steady pace throughout each exercise. Avoid going all out at the beginning and burning out early on. Instead, focus on finding a sustainable rhythm to keep pushing through until the end. By pacing yourself effectively, you’ll be able to accumulate more total reps over time.
  2. Prioritize techniques to avoid burnout.
    Aim to achieve high reps by prioritizing technique over pure intensity. While going all-out from the start may be tempting, this can lead to premature burnout and decreased overall performance. By focusing on proper form and technique for each movement, such as sumo deadlift high pulls, you’ll reduce the risk of injury and conserve energy for subsequent rounds.
  3. Utilize proper breathing techniques for endurance.
    Proper breathing techniques are crucial in maximizing endurance during Fight Gone Bad. As a martial artist knows well, controlled breathing helps regulate heart rate and oxygen intake, allowing you to sustain effort for more extended periods. Practice rhythmic inhalation and exhalation during each exercise, ensuring your breaths align with your movements. This will help optimize your stamina and enable you to push through fatigue when aiming for those high rep counts.
  4. Bar proximity and efficiency
    Keep your equipment close by, and taking advantage of short breaks can enhance your efficiency and achieve better results.
    Minimize transition time between exercises by setting up your barbell, box, rower, wall ball, and other stations within easy reach. Having everything nearby allows you to move swiftly from one exercise to another without wasting precious seconds.
    Move efficiently between stations: Avoid unnecessary energy expenditure by moving efficiently from one station to another.
  5. Jump Down Technique: Increasing Reps with Speed and Precision
    Mastering the jump-down technique for box jumps can save time and energy during a fight gone bad WOD. By landing softly with slightly bent knees, you can reduce the impact on your joints and prevent unnecessary strain. Here are some tips to help you perfect this technique:
    Practice control: When performing box jumps, it’s crucial to maintain control throughout the movement. As you jump down from the box, focus on landing with precision and stability.
    Quick transitions: To increase your reps and maintain a fast pace, work on jumping down quickly from the box. This will allow you to transition smoothly into the next repetition without wasting precious seconds.
  6. Pace yourself strategically throughout each round.
    Shoot for the highest reps possible by pacing yourself strategically throughout each round. Pushing too hard at the beginning can lead to early fatigue and a decline in overall performance. Instead, find a steady rhythm that allows you to maintain consistent effort throughout the workout.
  7. Listen to your body’s cues and adjust the intensity accordingly.
    One key aspect of fatigue management is listening to your body’s cues and adjusting the intensity of your efforts accordingly. Pay attention to your heart rate, breathing, and overall energy levels during the workout. If you feel yourself reaching a point of exhaustion or overexertion, dial back the intensity slightly to prevent burnout.
  8. Incorporate active recovery techniques during rest periods.
    During rest periods between rounds, it is essential to incorporate active recovery techniques. These techniques help in reducing muscle soreness and preventing excessive fatigue. Examples include light jogging or walking, stretching specific muscle groups, or shaking out your muscles. You can optimize your readiness for the next round by actively recovering during these short breaks.


Participants can optimize their performance by implementing tips and tricks to achieve high reps, such as maintaining bar proximity and taking quick rests for efficiency. The Jump Down Technique can also increase reps with speed and precision.

Fatigue management ensures optimal performance during the Fight Gone Bad workout. Individuals can maintain their energy throughout the workout by placing themselves effectively and managing fatigue levels.

Focus on form, technique, and strategy. Regular training sessions targeting specific movements involved in Fight Gone Bad can significantly improve overall performance.

Incorporating these strategies into your training routine will help you achieve better scores and enhance your overall fitness level. Remember to listen to your body, push yourself within reasonable limits, and stay consistent with your training.

Now that you have gained insights into how average to elite scores are achieved in the Fight Gone Bad workout, it’s time to put these tips into practice. Challenge yourself, track your progress over time, and celebrate every milestone along the way!


Can beginners participate in the Fight Gone Bad workout?

Yes! Beginners can modify movements or reduce weights to suit their fitness level while still benefiting from this intense workout.

How often should I do the Fight Gone Bad WOD?

It is recommended to incorporate this workout into your routine at most once or twice a week due to its high-intensity nature.

Is there an ideal time of day to perform this workout?

The best time depends on personal preference and energy levels. Experiment with different times of day to find what works best for you.

What equipment do I need for the Fight Gone Bad WOD?

The workout typically requires a barbell, medicine ball, box or step, and a rowing machine or stationary bike. However, modifications can be made using alternative equipment.

How can I track my progress in the Fight Gone Bad workout?

Keeping a record of your scores and monitoring improvements over time is an effective way to track progress and stay motivated.

Dave Carter

Dave serves as the head writer and chief content curator for, the premier destination for CrossFit enthusiasts seeking to enhance their fitness journeys.