Preparing for CrossFit Competition: 15 Tips for Newbies

Preparing for CrossFit Competition: 15 Tips for Newbies

So, you’ve decided to take on your first CrossFit competition as an athlete? Congrats! But let’s get real – it’s not going to be a walk in the park. CrossFit competitions require preparation, and if you’re new to the game, there are some key things you need to focus on. First, make sure to incorporate front squat exercises into your training cycle. Additionally, warming up properly before each workout is crucial for injury prevention and optimal performance.

First and foremost, technique and form are everything for the athlete in their training cycle. It doesn’t matter how strong you are if your technique is off – you’ll only end up injuring yourself. So, before anything else, make sure you have the proper form down for exercises like front squats, overhead squats, and box jumps – all of which are common in CrossFit competitions. Be careful not to push yourself too hard and risk overtraining, especially during qualifiers.

But what else should you be doing to prepare for your first crossfit competition? How should you approach your training leading up to the big day as a first-time athlete? And what can you expect when it comes time to compete without overtraining yourself?

In this article, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about preparing for a CrossFit competition – whether it’s your first or your hundredth. To avoid overtraining, it’s essential to warm up properly before beginning your training. From front squat techniques to mental preparation strategies, we’ve got you covered as an athlete. So let’s get started!

Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses

Preparing for a CrossFit competition can be a stressful experience for any athlete. To perform at your best, it’s essential to assess your strengths and weaknesses, including front squat. Additionally, incorporating a proper warm-up routine into your training cycle can help you prevent injuries and optimize your performance.

Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses

The first step for an athlete preparing for a CrossFit competition is to identify their strengths and weaknesses, including front squat. This will help them create a plan to improve weak areas and maintain or enhance their strengths while incorporating a proper warm up routine. It’s important to set specific goals to ensure progress is being made throughout the preparation process.

To identify your strengths as an athlete, think about the things that come naturally to you. Maybe you have good endurance or are great at squatting heavy weights with power. These are the things that make you stand out from other team members.

To identify your weaknesses as an athlete, think about the things that challenge you. Maybe you struggle with squats or have trouble maintaining power during certain exercises. These are the areas where people need to focus on improving.

Create a Plan to Improve Weak Areas

Once you’ve identified your weaknesses as an athlete, it’s time to create a plan with your team to improve them. This might involve working on specific sets of exercises or movements that challenge you, such as pull-ups, Olympic lifts, or squats.

It’s also important for athletes and people in a team to focus on quality over quantity when doing squats. Doing more reps isn’t always better if they’re done with poor form or technique. Instead, focus on doing fewer reps with proper form and gradually increasing the weight as you get stronger.

Another good idea for athletes and team members is to work with a coach or trainer who can help identify areas where people need improvement and provide guidance on how best to address them. It’s important to pause and reflect on your performance regularly to ensure you are constantly improving.

Warm-Up Exercises Can Help Assess Your Body’s Readiness

Before each workout, it’s important for athletes and people alike to pause and warm up properly so that their body is ready for the stress of exercise. Warm-up exercises can also help assess whether certain parts of the body are feeling particularly tight or sore, which may indicate an area that needs more attention. This is especially crucial for team sports where everyone needs to be in top condition to perform at their best.

Some good warm-up exercises include:

  • Dynamic stretching, such as leg swings or arm circles
  • Foam rolling to help release tension in muscles
  • Light cardio, such as jogging or jumping jacks

Mind and Body Connection

Preparing for a CrossFit competition is not just about physical strength. As an athlete, it’s important to take care of your mental health by managing stress and maintaining a positive attitude, especially when competing as part of a team in a high-pressure event. It’s crucial for people to remember that their mindset can greatly impact their performance.

One way for an athlete to prepare for competition is by practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. These can help the athlete stay focused and calm during stressful situations, both in training and during the competition itself. It’s important for the athlete to take a pause and make time for these techniques, either alone or with their team.

Training with Competitors

Training for a crossfit competition as an athlete is no joke. It requires discipline, dedication, and hard work. One way to improve your skills and push yourself harder is by training with a team of competitors. Here are some tips on how to make the most out of this experience: don’t pause during workouts, keep pushing yourself to the limit, and train with the mindset of a champion.

Find the Right Team or Partner

It’s important for any athlete to find a training partner or team that shares their goals and work ethic. You want someone who will challenge you but also support you throughout the process. Look for people who have similar strengths and weaknesses as you so that you can learn from each other. Don’t forget to pause and take a moment to evaluate your progress and adjust accordingly.

Be Careful Not to Overtrain

While training with competitors can be beneficial for an athlete or a team, it’s important not to overtrain or burn out before the competition. Make sure you have a structured training cycle that includes rest days and recovery sessions to pause and avoid exhaustion.

Practice Workouts That Mimic Competition Events

To prepare as an athlete for your first competition, practice workouts that mimic the events you’ll be competing in, including reps and gear. This will help you get comfortable with the movements and build up your endurance. Don’t forget to pause between sets to allow for proper recovery and avoid injury.

Familiarize Yourself With Competition Rules

Before stepping onto the stage or event, the athlete should pause and familiarize themselves with the judges and rules of the competition. This will ensure that they don’t get disqualified for any technicalities.

Have Fun!

Remember, as an athlete preparing for a crossfit competition, the intensity can be high, but it’s important to pause and enjoy the process as well! Training with fellow competitors can add an element of fun and camaraderie to your program.

Nutritional Guidance and Training Approaches for Different Levels of Athletes

Nutrition plays a vital role in the success of any athlete, especially those preparing for CrossFit competitions. The right diet can provide the necessary fuel for intense workouts, aid in muscle recovery and growth, and improve overall performance. However, different levels of athletes require different approaches to nutrition and training. In this article, we will discuss nutritional guidance and training approaches for athletes at various levels with a pause for reflection on their progress.

Novice Athletes

Novice athletes should pause and focus on building a strong foundation by incorporating adequate protein intake into their diets. Protein is crucial for muscle recovery and growth, which is essential for improving strength and endurance.

In addition to protein, novice athletes should also include plenty of vegetables in their diets. Vegetables provide important vitamins and minerals that support overall health and well-being. A macrocycle approach to nutrition can also be beneficial for novice athletes as it helps them develop healthy eating habits while optimizing their performance. It’s important to pause and reflect on your dietary choices to ensure you’re getting the necessary nutrients for your body’s needs.

Intermediate Athletes

Intermediate athletes have been training consistently but may not yet be ready to compete at an elite level. These athletes require a more tailored approach to nutrition based on their specific goals and needs. Adequate protein intake remains crucial but should be adjusted based on the athlete’s body weight and composition.

Intermediate athletes should also consider incorporating carbohydrate cycling into their diets. Carbohydrate cycling involves adjusting carbohydrate intake based on training intensity to optimize energy levels during workouts while promoting fat loss during rest days.

Elite Athletes

Elite CrossFit competitors require a highly specialized approach to nutrition and training due to the demands placed on their bodies during competition. These athletes must ensure they are consuming enough calories to fuel intense workouts while still maintaining a lean physique.

A high-protein diet remains essential for elite athletes; however, the focus shifts to consuming a specific ratio of macronutrients. These athletes must also pay close attention to their hydration levels and electrolyte balance, as dehydration can significantly impact performance.

Elite athletes may also benefit from incorporating supplements into their diets, such as creatine and beta-alanine, which have been shown to improve performance in high-intensity workouts.

Days prior to competition: Lifts, conditioning, skill, and mobility

Preparing for a CrossFit competition as an athlete takes more than just showing up on the day of the event. It requires weeks of training and preparation to ensure that you are in top shape and ready to take on any challenge that comes your way. In the days leading up to the competition, it’s essential for the athlete to focus on lifts, conditioning, skill, and mobility.

Mobilize Your Muscles and Joints

One of the most crucial aspects for an athlete preparing for a CrossFit competition is mobilizing their muscles and joints. This process involves stretching and warming up their body to prevent injuries during the competition. The athlete should spend at least 10-15 minutes each day working on mobility exercises such as foam rolling or dynamic stretching.

Prepare for Qualifiers

To prepare for the movements that may appear in the qualifiers, it’s important for the athlete to focus on squats and load. Squatting is one of the fundamental movements in CrossFit, so it’s critical for the athlete to master this movement before heading into a competition. Focusing on load will help the athlete build strength and endurance needed for lifting heavier weights.

Work On Conditioning

Conditioning is another essential aspect of preparing for a CrossFit competition as an athlete. Use these days before the competition as an opportunity to work on your cardiovascular fitness by incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts into your routine. These workouts can include running sprints or rowing intervals.

Skill Development

Athlete skill development should also be part of your pre-competition training plan. Spend time practicing specific movements that may appear in the event such as handstand push-ups or double unders. It’s essential for the athlete to remember that perfect practice makes perfect; therefore, focus on technique over speed when practicing skills.


Finally, as an athlete, use mesocycles during these days before competing by breaking down your training into smaller blocks with specific goals in mind. For example, you could focus on strength training for one week and then switch to conditioning the next. This approach will help you stay focused and motivated while also allowing your body to recover adequately.

female crossfit athlete carrying weights
Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

Day before competition: Primer lift, primer metcon, flush, low-intensity cardio

The day before a big competition is crucial for any athlete. This is the time to prime your body and mind for the challenges ahead. Here are some tips to help you, as an athlete, make the most of your preparation.

Perform Primer Lifts

Primer lifts are designed to activate your muscles and prepare athlete them for heavy lifting. These lifts should be done at a moderate weight with high reps. The goal is not to fatigue yourself but rather to get your muscles firing and ready for action.

Some good primer lifts include:

  • Romanian deadlifts
  • Front squats
  • Overhead presses
  • Bench press

Performing these lifts will also help you, as an athlete, identify any areas of weakness that you can work on during your next mesocycle.

Incorporate a Primer Metcon

In addition to primer lifts, it’s important for the athlete to incorporate a primer metcon into their routine. This will get the athlete’s heart rate up and practice movements that will be used in the competition.

A good primer metcon for athletes should last no more than 10 minutes and should include movements such as:

  • Burpees
  • Box jumps
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Pull-ups

Make sure you don’t push yourself too hard during this workout, athlete. The goal is not to exhaust yourself but rather to get your body moving and ready for what’s to come.

Flush Out Lactic Acid Buildup

After performing primer lifts and a primer metcon, it’s important for athletes to flush out lactic acid buildup with low-intensity cardio. This can include activities such as walking or light cycling.

The purpose of this activity is twofold: first, it aids in athlete recovery by increasing blood flow and oxygenation; secondly, it helps prevent soreness by flushing out lactic acid buildup from previous athlete workouts.

Use a Groove Prep Day Circuit During the Mesocycle

To fine-tune movements and improve efficiency, it’s important for the athlete to incorporate a groove prep day circuit into their mesocycle. This is a day dedicated to practicing movements that are commonly used in CrossFit competitions, specifically tailored to the needs of the athlete.

During this athlete day, you should focus on perfecting your form and technique. Some good exercises to include in an athlete groove prep day circuit are:

  • Double unders
  • Handstand push-ups
  • Muscle-ups
  • Toes-to-bar

By practicing these movements regularly, as an athlete, you’ll be able to perform them more efficiently during the competition.

Preparing for a CrossFit competition as an athlete takes time and dedication. By incorporating primer lifts, primer metcons, low-intensity cardio, and groove prep day circuits into your routine, you can ensure that you’re ready for whatever challenges come your way as an athlete. Remember to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard during these workouts. Good luck!

male crossfit athelete on the rower
Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Competition day: Staying focused and relaxed until 50% of the workout is done

Preparing for a CrossFit competition as an athlete can be an overwhelming experience, but it’s essential to stay focused and relaxed on the big day. In this section, we’ll discuss how you as an athlete can prepare yourself mentally and physically to stay on track during the first half of the competition.

Warm up properly before the competition day workout.

One of the most critical aspects of preparing for a CrossFit competition as an athlete is warming up correctly. You should spend at least 30 minutes warming up your body before starting the competition day workout. This will help you, as an athlete, avoid injuries and ensure that your muscles are ready to perform at their best.

Stay focused on each round and pull through the first 50% of the workout.

It’s easy for an athlete to get overwhelmed by all the excitement and adrenaline during a CrossFit competition. However, it’s crucial for the athlete to stay focused on each round and pull through until they reach 50% of the workout. This way, the athlete will have already completed half of the work, which will give them more confidence and energy to continue.

Take a 10-second pause to regroup and refocus before continuing.

When you, as an athlete, reach 50% of the workout, take a quick 10-second pause to regroup and refocus. During this time, take deep breaths and remind yourself why you’re doing this as an athlete. Focus on your athletic goals, visualize success in your sport, and then continue with renewed energy as an athlete.

With plenty of volume in training, you’ll be able to stay relaxed and confident on competition day.

To prepare for a CrossFit competition effectively, make sure that as an athlete, you’re training with plenty of volume leading up to it. This way, your body will be used to working hard for extended periods without getting fatigued quickly. When it comes time for competition day, you as an athlete will feel more relaxed and confident because your body knows what it needs to do.

After the competition: Bonus tips for recovery and improvement

Congratulations on finishing the CrossFit competition! You pushed your limits, tested your skills, and proved that you are a true athlete. However, your journey doesn’t end here. In fact, it’s just the beginning of a new phase – recovery and improvement.

To make the most out of your post-competition period as an athlete, you need to assess your strengths and weaknesses. What worked well for you as an athlete? What needs improvement? Talk to your coach, review your performance videos as an athlete, and reflect on your experience. This will help you set realistic goals for the future as an athlete.

Another way to improve is by training with competitors. Find someone who performed better than you in certain areas and learn from them. Share tips, techniques, and strategies that worked for you both. This will not only enhance your skills but also build camaraderie within the community.

Nutrition plays a crucial role in recovery and improvement as well. Depending on your level of athleticism, you may require different approaches to nutrition and training. Consult with a sports dietitian or nutritionist to create a personalized plan that suits your needs.

Days prior to competition can be nerve-wracking but sticking to a routine can help calm nerves while preparing physically. Lifts should be heavy enough so that they challenge without causing injury; conditioning should focus on building endurance rather than speed; skill work should emphasize proper form over quantity; mobility exercises should target tight muscles while avoiding overstretching.

The day before competition is all about priming yourself for success while allowing time for rest and relaxation. A primer lift will activate muscle groups used during competition; the primer metcon will simulate workout conditions without overexertion; flushing exercises like foam rolling or light stretching will help prevent soreness after long periods of sitting or standing still; low-intensity cardio like walking or biking will get blood flowing without causing fatigue.

On competition day itself remember to stay focused and relaxed until 50% of the workout is done. This will help you conserve energy for later rounds or movements that require more effort. Keep your mind clear, visualize success, and trust in your preparation.

In conclusion, preparing for a CrossFit competition is not just about what happens during the event itself but also what comes after it. Recovery and improvement are essential components of any athlete’s journey. By following these bonus tips, you can optimize your post-competition period and set yourself up for future success. Keep pushing yourself, stay motivated, and remember to have fun along the way!

Dave Carter

Dave serves as the head writer and chief content curator for, the premier destination for CrossFit enthusiasts seeking to enhance their fitness journeys.