10 Must-Have CrossFit Gear for Your Ultimate Workout

10 Must-Have CrossFit Gear for Your Ultimate Workout

Are you a CrossFit enthusiast looking to take your workouts to the next level? Or maybe you’re new to the sport and wondering what gym bag essentials you need to get started. Whatever your experience level, having the right trainers, weightlifting shoes, and lifting shoes is essential for maximizing performance and safety during workouts.

Investing in quality crossfit equipment and gym bag essentials can save money in the long run by reducing the risk of injury and increasing durability and protection. But with so many options on the market, it’s important to choose the right trainers to ensure maximum safety and effectiveness.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide on essential CrossFit gear. From shoes and clothing to wrist wraps and knee sleeves, these essentials are a must-have in your gym bag. Make sure to choose the right trainers for your feet to avoid injury and add straps for extra support during heavy lifts. We’ll cover everything you need for a successful workout, including tips on how to properly fit your gear for optimal performance and injury prevention.

So whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, read on to learn about the essential gear and must-have equipment that every CrossFitter needs in their gym bag. With many athletes joining the CrossFit community, it’s important to know what gear each individual needs to succeed.

Must-have gear for CrossFit beginners

Gym bag essentials for CrossFit beginners

Starting CrossFit can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. Having the right equipment can make all the difference in your performance and safety during workouts. Here are some gym bag essentials for CrossFit beginners: weight straps to help with lifting, creatine to aid in muscle growth, a weightlifting accessory to improve technique, and of course, the right weight equipment.

  • Quick hand towel: Many crossfit athletes need a quick-drying hand towel in their crossfit gym bag, especially with the added sweat from taking creatine.
  • Water bottle: Staying hydrated is essential, so make sure to pick a water bottle as part of your essential gear and put it in your bag made of durable material for every class.
  • Bringing tape is essential gear for many athletes, especially during a crossfit workout. If you have any injuries or areas that are prone to injury, packing it in your bag can help support and protect those areas.

Must-have gear: resistance bands, wrist wraps, jump rope, gloves, barbell pad

While there are many pieces of equipment you may need to invest in for CrossFit, these five items – bag, chalk, should be at the top of your list as a beginner.

Resistance bands

Resistance bands come in different strengths and may be used for various exercises such as pull-ups and squats. They’re also great for warming up before lifting weights in a crossfit workout. If you need to carry them around, you can easily put them in a bag.

Wrist wraps

Wrist wraps may be a necessary accessory for CrossFit enthusiasts who need extra support and stability during exercises that put pressure on their wrists, such as push-ups and front squats. They can also help prevent injuries and may be used in conjunction with chalk for added grip.

Jump rope

Jumping rope may be just what you need for your crossfit workout routine. It’s an excellent way to improve cardiovascular endurance while also working on coordination. You may want to use chalk to mark your spot and keep track of your progress. It’s a simple piece of equipment that can be used anywhere.


Gloves provide protection from calluses and blisters that can form from lifting weights regularly, making them a valuable accessory for crossfit enthusiasts. They also offer better grip on bars and dumbbells during crossfit workouts.

Barbell pad

A barbell pad provides comfort during heavy lifts such as squats by reducing pressure on your neck and shoulders. It’s especially helpful if you’re not used to supporting heavy weights on your back, whether you’re into crossfit or not.

Protect your wrists and hands during squats with wrist wraps and gloves

Squats are a staple exercise in CrossFit, but they can also put a lot of pressure on your wrists and hands. Wrist wraps and gloves can help protect these areas from injury while also providing extra support.

Wrist wraps and gloves are essential for crossfit. Wrist wraps should be tight enough to offer support but not so tight that they cut off circulation. Gloves should fit snugly to prevent slippage but not be too tight that they restrict movement.

Barbell pads provide comfort during heavy lifts

If you’re new to lifting weights in crossfit, the pressure of a barbell on your neck and shoulders during squats or lunges can be uncomfortable. A barbell pad can help distribute the weight more evenly, reducing discomfort and allowing you to focus on proper form.

When choosing a barbell pad for crossfit, look for one with high-density foam that will hold its shape over time. It should also have a secure attachment mechanism to keep it in place during lifts.

Comprehensive List of Essential CrossFit Gear for All Levels

CrossFit is a high-intensity workout that requires specific gear to ensure safety and performance. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, having the right equipment can make all the difference in your training.

Lot of Gear Options Available for CrossFit Enthusiasts

There are numerous gear options available for CrossFit enthusiasts, ranging from shoes to wrist wraps. However, not all gear is created equal, and some may be more suited to your specific needs than others.

Different Types of Gear to Suit Different Needs

The type of gear you need will depend on your individual goals and preferences, including crossfit. For example, if you are looking to improve your grip strength for crossfit, you may want to invest in a pair of lifting straps or gloves. Alternatively, if you are looking to increase your mobility and flexibility for crossfit, a foam roller or lacrosse ball may be more appropriate.

Here is a list of essential CrossFit gear that can benefit athletes at any level:

  1. Shoes: A good pair of shoes is essential for any type of workout. Look for shoes with flat soles and good arch support that can handle weightlifting movements as well as cardio exercises.
  2. Jump Rope: A jump rope is an inexpensive piece of equipment that provides an excellent cardiovascular workout while improving coordination and agility.
  3. Resistance Bands: Resistance bands come in various strengths and sizes and can be used for stretching, mobility work, or adding resistance to bodyweight exercises.
  4. Foam Roller/Lacrosse Ball: These tools help release muscle tension and improve mobility by targeting trigger points throughout the body.
  5. Lifting Belt: A lifting belt provides support during heavy lifts by stabilizing the spine and reducing the risk of injury.
  6. Wrist Wraps: Wrist wraps provide support and stability during exercises that put stress on the wrists, such as overhead presses or front squats.
  7. Knee Sleeves: Knee sleeves provide compression and support to the knee joint during exercises that involve jumping, running, or squatting.
  8. Lifting Straps: Lifting straps help improve grip strength by allowing you to lift heavier weights without relying solely on your grip.
  9. Gymnastics Grips: Gymnastics grips protect your hands from blisters and calluses during exercises that involve hanging from a bar or rings.

Gear That Can Be Used at Home or in the Gym

Most of the gear listed above can be used both at home or in the gym, making it easy to stay consistent with your training no matter where you are. Crossfit enthusiasts will find these versatile equipment helpful for their workouts.

woman tying her crossfit shoes
Photo by juan pablo rodriguez on Unsplash

Best CrossFit Equipment for Cardio Workouts

Jump Rope for Improving Coordination and Endurance

Jumping rope is a classic exercise that has been used by athletes for decades to improve their coordination, endurance, and footwork. It’s an excellent piece of equipment for CrossFitters who want to improve their cardio without having to run long distances. Jumping rope is also a great way to warm up before a workout.

When choosing a jump rope for crossfit, look for one that is adjustable so you can customize it to your height. There are also different types of ropes available, such as speed ropes or weighted ropes, which can add variety to your crossfit workouts.

Some options:

  • Rogue Fitness SR-1 Speed Rope
  • WOD Nation Speed Jump Rope
  • Crossrope Get Lean Set

Assault Bike for High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

The assault bike is another popular piece of equipment in the CrossFit community. It’s a stationary bike with moving handlebars that work both your upper and lower body simultaneously. The assault bike provides an intense cardiovascular workout that can be customized to your fitness level.

One of the best things about the assault bike is its ability to provide high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT involves short bursts of all-out effort followed by periods of rest or low intensity. This type of training has been shown to improve cardiovascular health and burn fat more effectively than steady-state cardio, making it a popular choice for crossfit enthusiasts.

Some options:

  • Assault AirBike Classic
  • Schwinn Airdyne AD7
  • Rogue Echo Bike

Rowing Machine for Full-Body Cardio Workout

Rowing machines are great for full-body workouts, including crossfit, because they engage multiple muscle groups at once. They provide an excellent cardiovascular workout while also working your legs, back, arms, and core muscles.

When using a rowing machine, focus on maintaining good form throughout each stroke. This means keeping your back straight and core engaged. Rowing machines also provide the option for HIIT workouts, making them a versatile piece of equipment to have in your home gym. Additionally, rowing machines are commonly used in CrossFit workouts for their full-body workout benefits.

Some options:

  • Concept2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine
  • WaterRower Natural Rowing Machine
  • Sunny Health & Fitness SF-RW5515 Magnetic Rowing Machine

Running Shoes with Good Support and Grip

While CrossFit is known for its variety of exercises, running is still an essential part of many workouts. Having a good pair of running shoes can make all the difference in your performance and comfort level.

Look for shoes with good support and cushioning to protect your feet from impact during crossfit sessions. You’ll also want shoes with good grip to prevent slipping during runs or other exercises that require traction, especially in crossfit workouts.

Some options:

  • Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 38
  • Brooks Ghost 13
  • ASICS Gel-Kayano 28

Heart Rate Monitor to Track Intensity and Progress

A heart rate monitor is a useful tool for tracking your cardiovascular fitness level, especially during crossfit workouts. It measures your heart rate during exercise, allowing you to see how hard you’re working and whether you’re improving over time in your crossfit training.

Best CrossFit Equipment for Strength Training

Weightlifting Belt

A weightlifting belt is a must-have piece of equipment for heavy deadlifts and Olympic lifts in crossfit. It provides support to your lower back, helping you maintain proper form while lifting heavy weights in crossfit. The belt also helps increase intra-abdominal pressure, which stabilizes the spine and reduces the risk of injury in crossfit.

When choosing a weightlifting belt for crossfit, look for one that is made of high-quality materials and has a width of at least 4 inches. It should fit snugly around your waist without being too tight or too loose. Some popular options for crossfit include the Rogue Ohio Lifting Belt and the Harbinger Padded Leather Belt.

Heavy Barbell with Good Grip

A heavy barbell with a good grip is essential for strength training in CrossFit. Look for a barbell that can handle heavy weights without bending or warping. The knurling on the bar should be aggressive enough to provide a secure grip but not so rough that it tears up your hands.

Some popular options for crossfit include the Rogue Ohio Power Bar and the Eleiko XF Bar. These bars are designed to withstand heavy use and have excellent grip and durability.

Heavy Weights

Heavy weights are necessary for building strength and endurance in CrossFit. Look for plates that are made of high-quality materials such as cast iron or steel. They should be able to withstand repeated drops without cracking or chipping.

Some popular options for crossfit enthusiasts include Rogue HG Bumper Plates, Eleiko Olympic Competition Plates, and American Barbell Color Bumper Plates.

Weightlifting Shoes

Crossfit athletes require proper weightlifting shoes to provide stability and support during Olympic lifts. Look for shoes with a raised heel that allows you to maintain an upright torso during squats, cleans, and snatches. The sole should be firm yet flexible, providing excellent traction on any surface.

Some popular options for crossfit include Nike Romaleos 4, Reebok Legacy Lifter II, and Adidas Adipower Weightlifting II.

Barbell Collars

Barbell collars are important to keep the weights secure during intense CrossFit workouts. They prevent the plates from sliding off the bar when you drop the weight or perform dynamic movements like cleans and snatches.

Look for collars that are easy to use and provide a secure fit, especially for crossfit. Some popular options for crossfit enthusiasts include Rogue HG 2.0 Collars, OSO Barbell Collars, and Lock-Jaw Pro 2 Barbell Collars.

Best CrossFit Gear for Mobility and Recovery

CrossFit is a high-intensity workout that requires a lot of strength, endurance, and agility. As such, muscle recovery is essential to prevent injuries and improve performance. Investing in mobility and recovery gear can help CrossFit athletes to train harder and recover faster.

Foam Rollers

Foam rollers are great for self-myofascial release, which helps to reduce muscle soreness and tightness after intense CrossFit workouts. This type of massage helps to break up adhesions or knots that form in the muscles due to overuse or injury. The foam roller works by applying pressure to the affected area, which increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to the muscles, making it a valuable tool for CrossFit athletes.

Foam rollers come in different sizes and densities, depending on your needs. A soft foam roller is ideal for beginners or those with sensitive muscles. A firmer foam roller is better suited for experienced athletes who need deeper tissue massage.

Some popular foam rollers include:

  • TriggerPoint GRID Foam Roller
  • RumbleRoller Deep-Tissue Massage Roller
  • ProsourceFit High-Density Foam Roller

Massage Balls

Massage balls can be used to target specific areas of the body, such as the feet or shoulders, for deeper tissue massage. These small balls are designed to apply pressure directly to the affected area, helping to relieve tension and promote healing.

There are different types of massage balls available, including lacrosse balls, tennis balls, and spiky massage balls. Lacrosse balls are firm and provide deep tissue massage. Tennis balls are softer than lacrosse balls but still provide good pressure relief. Spiky massage balls have small protrusions that help stimulate blood flow while providing a deep tissue massage.

Some popular massage ball options include:

  • RAD Rounds
  • TriggerPoint MB1 Massage Ball
  • Kieba Massage Lacrosse Balls

Compression Gear

Compression gear has become increasingly popular among CrossFit athletes because of its ability to improve blood flow and reduce muscle soreness. These garments are designed to fit snugly around the body, providing a gentle squeezing effect that helps to increase circulation.

Compression gear comes in different forms, including shorts, leggings, shirts, and sleeves. Some athletes prefer to wear compression gear during their workouts, while others wear it after their workouts to aid in recovery.

Some popular compression gear options include:

  • 2XU Compression Shorts
  • Under Armour HeatGear Compression Leggings
  • Tommie Copper Recovery Compression Shirt

Stretching Bands

Stretching bands are an excellent tool for improving flexibility and mobility. These elastic bands can be used for a variety of exercises that target different areas of the body. They’re especially useful for stretching tight muscles before or after a workout.

There are different types of stretching bands available, including resistance bands and loop bands. Resistance bands provide varying levels of resistance depending on the color or thickness of the band. Loop bands are small circular bands that can be used for targeted exercises such as glute bridges or lateral walks.

Recommendations for the best CrossFit shoes

male crossfit athlete in gold shoes
Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

CrossFit is a high-intensity workout that demands specific gear to perform at your best. One of the most important pieces of equipment you need is a pair of CrossFit shoes. While running shoes may be comfortable, they lack stability and support needed for weightlifting movements. On the other hand, weightlifting shoes are great for those who prioritize lifting heavy weights in their CrossFit workouts.

When choosing CrossFit shoes, it’s essential to consider factors such as durability, flexibility, and breathability. Here are some recommendations for the best CrossFit shoes on the market:

1. Nike Metcon 6

The Nike Metcon 6 is one of the most popular options among CrossFitters. It’s designed with stability in mind and features a flat heel that provides excellent ground contact during lifts. The shoe also has a breathable mesh upper and durable rubber outsole that can withstand tough workouts.

2. Reebok Nano X

The Reebok Nano X is another top choice among CrossFitters due to its versatility and durability. It features a flexible yet sturdy sole that can handle both cardio and weightlifting movements with ease. The shoe also has a breathable upper and reinforced heel clip for added stability.

3. NOBULL Trainer

If you’re looking for a minimalist option, check out the NOBULL Trainer. This shoe has a simple design but doesn’t compromise on performance or durability. It features a seamless one-piece construction with abrasion-resistant material that can withstand even the toughest workouts.

4. Adidas Adipower Weightlifting II

For those who prioritize lifting heavy weights in their CrossFit workouts, consider investing in weightlifting shoes like Adidas Adipower Weightlifting II. These shoes have a raised heel that allows for better ankle mobility and more upright torso during squats and Olympic lifts.

5. Inov-8 F-Lite 235 V3

The Inov-8 F-Lite 235 V3 is an excellent choice for those who prefer a minimalist shoe with a natural feel. It features a zero-drop sole that promotes proper form during lifts and provides excellent ground contact. The shoe also has a breathable upper and durable outsole that can handle tough workouts.

Essential CrossFit gear for optimal performance

In conclusion, having essential CrossFit gear is crucial for achieving optimal performance and preventing injuries. For beginners, it’s important to invest in basic equipment like a jump rope, resistance bands, and a foam roller. As you advance in your training, consider adding more advanced gear such as weightlifting shoes and wrist wraps.

The best equipment includes rowing machines and assault bikes. For strength training, barbells and bumper plates are must-haves. Mobility tools like lacrosse balls and massage sticks can aid in recovery.

Choosing the right pair of CrossFit shoes is also important for maximizing your performance and comfort during workouts. Look for shoes with a stable sole and good grip.

Overall, investing in essential CrossFit gear can make all the difference in reaching your fitness goals. Don’t skimp on quality equipment that will keep you safe and help you perform at your best.


What should I look for when buying CrossFit shoes?

When buying CrossFit shoes, look for stability in the sole to support lifting heavy weights. Good grip is also important for activities like rope climbs or box jumps. Comfort is key since you’ll be wearing them throughout intense workouts.

Do I need wrist wraps for CrossFit?

Wrist wraps can provide extra support during heavy lifts or movements that put strain on the wrists such as push-ups or handstand push-ups. They’re not necessary but can be helpful if you experience discomfort or pain during these exercises.

Should I buy a weightlifting belt?

Weightlifting belts can provide additional support to the core during heavy lifts like squats or deadlifts. However, they’re not necessary unless you’re lifting very heavy weights regularly.

How often should I replace my CrossFit shoes?

It’s recommended to replace your CrossFit shoes every 6-12 months depending on how frequently you use them. Signs that it’s time for a new pair include worn out soles or loss of support.

What’s the best way to care for my CrossFit gear?

Proper care can extend the lifespan of your CrossFit gear. Be sure to clean and dry equipment like jump ropes, resistance bands, and foam rollers after each use. Store equipment in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Dave Carter

Dave serves as the head writer and chief content curator for CrossFitopedia.com, the premier destination for CrossFit enthusiasts seeking to enhance their fitness journeys.